Baby Driver – Fantastic Fun Action flick with Heart

I unabashedly adore Edgar Wright.  His Cornetto trilogy  starting with Shaun of the Dead are so hilarious = the second, Hot Fuzz is one of my favorite films of all time.  And the brilliance that is Scott Pilgrim!

So, when I saw this trailer for Baby Driver, my anticipations was at a fever pitch.  It is fantastic.  Not laugh out loud guffaws like I had in Hot Fuzz, but oh, so clever.  I’m no Fast and Furious type of girl, but the driving is simply amazing.  I’ve read that it surpasses some of the Fast and Furious movies.

The music in it is insanely good.  Hot Fuzz is still my favorite film of his.  This one is a bit more “straight” heist film, but with quirks.


It doesn’t have quite the laugh out loud humor as Hot Fuzz,  but it has more heart.  Ansel Englort (Baby) I had seen in Fault in Our Stars, where he was very good, and in the Divergent series only.  He’s great.
Baby has to do “one more job” for Kevin Spacey and then he’s done with this life.  Yep.  Seen that plot before many a time, but it’s got some twists and turns that keep it fresh.
It’s just fun to see Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey and Jon Hamm in the same scene.  Full stop.
The character Baby has ringing in his ears from a childhood accident so he always has earbuds in with music to drown out that sound.  In one fun scene, one of the robbers — an actor I recognized from Walking Dead — challenges Baby about the head phones and takes off his sunglasses.  Baby just calmly pulls another pair of shades from his jacket pocket.  The robber knocks those off, and turns around, and Baby pulls out another pair of glasses from his other pocket.
In another scene, he stops the gang of robbers from pouring out of his car to start a heist until he can restart the song on his iPod.  Then every movement and shot of the gang is choreographed to the song.
There’s a lot of cleverness like that — and less the outright guffaws that Hot Fuzz gave me.  There’s so much choreographed to music and the insanely good soundtrack — the editing is soooo good in this film.
Baby Driver is one of the top films I’ve seen this year.
I loved the romance of Baby and Deborah.  It was driving my crazy where I’d seen the actress, Lily James, before.  She was Rose in Downton Abbey!  Here with a drawling Southern accent.  The whole film is set in Atlanta, and I even recognized the Peachtree center food court next to my last conference hotel in one chase scene.  (Gotta love those Georgia film tax incentives!)
There’s a wonderful scene in a laundromat where Debbie and Baby share headphones and then dance to the song he’s sharing with her, with different colored clothes swirling around in the machines.  Just magical chemistry in that scene alone.
Highly, highly recommend this film.  I loved it.  It’s almost perfect, in fact.
You’ll leave the theater with a smile on your face, humming this song:

4 thoughts on “Baby Driver – Fantastic Fun Action flick with Heart

  1. Spandana July 5, 2017 / 12:25 pm

    Wasn’t Lilly James 2015’s Cinderella?


  2. King of Punjab July 5, 2017 / 3:02 pm

    SOunds Great. It sounds like quite old school. Thats a good thing. Love Kevin Spacey.
    Does it work like a light parody of heist movies?


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